How to Properly Ask for Leave

 How to properly ask for AL when working for the KCVA.

 If at all possible ask for all AL during the leave scramble:

1. Request the time off between October 15th and November 15th for the next year.

2. All leave entrees need to be addressed by December 15th by management, if they are not, this is a grievance. 

 **  ALL BARGAINING UNIT EMPLOYEES should be allowed to use/ take part in the leave scramble process,  if you are not allowed,  please call us immediately 816-922-2040

A BU employee is all employees except managers, human resources and the piv office.

   If you cannot take advantage of the leave scramble then request leave as early as possible.

1. If your supervisor denies your leave request you can ask for a valid reason why the leave was denied

2. For example:  Too many off on that day,  you had that holiday last year,  you do not have seniority, etc.

   If you enter leave you should expect your supervisor to give an approval or a denial answer in VATAS within 7 days of the leave request.

 If you are requesting AL in less than 7 days, you should enter your request in VATAS, and immediately send an email at the same time explaining the situation of why you need to take leave in such a short notice.   If your supervisor is out of the office, please direct your communication to the covering employee.

  • If the supervisor does not respond within 24 hours, try teams or a phone call or text message or phone call…

If the supervisor does not respond, in 48 hours.  Send another email, teams, text and include the AFGE Local 910 email CC’d to your communications, so that the supervisor understands that the leave needs to be addressed.

  1. If you enter leave for a future date >7 days and it has been over one week, resend an email and CC the

How to take sick leave.

  1. You must call within 2 hours of your tour start time.
  2. If you start working at 8am you must call in by 10am
  3. If your supervisor allows text messages, then you may text, however the master agreement states you must call one designated phone number.
  4. You must know the designated phone number to call.
    1. There should only be one phone number to call.
    2. They are not allowed to make you call more than one number
    3. This number has to have a voice mail if no one answers it.
  1. When you call or text you will state the following
    1. My name is ________ today ______ I am incapacitated for work and I am taking sick leave.
    2. You do not need to give them anything else.
    3. You must state if you are taking care of a family member or if the leave is for yourself.  The reason is because there is one timekeeper code for you and there is another timekeeper code for family sick leave.
    4. Designate if you are taking sick leave for yourself or for a family member.
    5. Nothing else needs to be said
  1. If you do not have a positive sick leave balance your supervisor is able to enter AWOL

   7. This is not something the union can fight.  It is the managers right to give you  AL, LWOP or AWOL if you are out of sick leave time.

How to take sick leave if you have started your tour.

If you have come into work and you have started working

  1. You become incapacitated to continue working

    2. Your family member has called you and you need to go take care of them

This is what you do

  1. Notify your first line supervisor of your SL request
    1. Hello Sir/Ma’am,  This is _________ I am no longer able to continue to work because (I or my family member) is sick.
    2. You must select one of the 2 above.  VATAS requires either LS=Sick leave or FFSL=family sick leave.
    3. This is a requirement in vatas, therefore you have to choose one LS or FFSL.  However, that is all that needs to be said.  Your condition or your family’s condition is not required.
  1. If you cannot reach your first line supervisor, contact your chief.
    1. Union suggests getting this in writing if at all possible.  Email, text, teams.
    2. If this was a verbal request,  text them too,  or email them if possible.
  1. If you need to leave immediately your VATAS entry can be entered the next day you return to work.
  2. If it is payroll Friday, your supervisor does have the ability to enter your leave request.

   5. When you return to work it is expected that you enter your leave.  If you forget, it is expected that the supervisor or timekeeper give you one reminder to enter your leave request.  It is not appropriate for the supervisor to give AWOL because the employee forgot to enter their leave.

**If you are out of sick leave or have less available hours than you are requesting, you can ask for AL or LWOP, however there is no guarantee you will be approved.  The manager does have a right to AWOL the employee if they are out of sick leave balance.  Below is the section of the master agreement that states all of the above.