August Newsletter 2020
AFGE Local 910 now has over 1100 members!
Recruitment Information:
The AFGE national office is still offering a 100-dollar bonus check to any new member and their recruiter.
If you need more information, please contact the office at 816-922-2040 or email us
Save The Date:
The next lunch and learn and official membership meeting will be held on Sept 16th.
Leave Scramble:
Please ask your immediate supervisor questions about the October leave scramble.
October is right around the corner.
Current Employee Issues:
Can my supervisor call or text my personal cell phone? The supervisor should only use your personal cell phone number to contact you about leave issues or ask you if you want to work overtime, comp time. If the supervisor is using your personal cell phone for other issues this is against policy. Please contact the office and the union will contact HR on your behalf to have this stopped.
Off site family event:
Our next off site scheduled event will be next April at Worlds of Fun. We will be emailing info next February about ticket purchase.
Office Staff:
• Jeff Wry, business agent 816-924-4440
• Soon to hire a new office administrator to work alongside Jeff.
Leave without pay (LWOP) vs AWOL:
As an employee you have the right to ask your supervisor to grant you leave without pay. However, your supervisor does not have to issue you leave without pay. If you are out of SL, and you call in sick and ask to use LWOP, it is up to the supervisor to decide if they will grant LWOP. Article 35- time and leave:
1. Requests for LWOP will be given serious, bona fide consideration.
2. LWOP may be requested in the same manner and for the same purposes as annual leave and sick leave. LWOP may be granted even though the employee has a sick or annual leave balance.
COVID ISSUES: Covered Employers: The paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave provisions of the FFCRA apply to certain public employers, and private employers with fewer than 500 employees. Most employees of the federal government are covered by Title II of the Family and Medical Leave Act, which was not amended by this Act, and are therefore not covered by the expanded family and medical leave provisions of the FFCRA. However, federal employees covered by Title II of the Family and Medical Leave Act are covered by the paid sick leave provision. If you need a copy of the FFCRA form, please call the office. 816-922-2040
Hatch Act:
The 1939 Act forbids the intimidation or bribery of voters and restricts political campaign activities by federal employees. It prohibits using any public funds designated for relief or public works for electoral purposes. It forbids officials paid with federal funds from using promises of jobs, promotion, financial assistance, contracts, or any other benefit to coerce campaign contributions or political support.
Ticket Sales:
Worlds of fun is currently offering all AFGE employees discounted tickets. These tickets can be purchased on line at
Accessing the tickets is very easy. Any of your members can access a $29.99 plus taxes and fees admission by visiting
Contact Information:
AFGE has a website.
We also have new cell phone numbers 816-924-4440 and 816-924-7733
Cell phones are monitored Monday to Friday 8-430pm.
Email is
We also have Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. AFGE LOCAL 910